Friday, November 28, 2014

{Hannon Family}

{Hannon Family}

Went out right before sunset with this
 cute little family of three. 
Miss Abby wasn't to happy to sit for pictures
once she realized her parents forgot her
leash and she was free to run...but they wouldn't let her.
Such a pretty girl. Enjoy!

Friday, November 21, 2014

{Van den Einde Family}

{Van den Einde Family}

Meet this beautiful family tonight. 
We went out braved the cold and had a lot of fun.
I wish I had Arden's energy and Evelyn's polka dot coat!
Enjoy your sneak peek and thanks for choosing me for your
 family Christmas card!
It was wonderful meeting you all!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Megan {Maternity}

Megan {Maternity}

I couldn't be more excited to find out who 
my next niece or nephew is in January!
Megan is absolutely glowing. She truly
makes being pregnant look styling and beautiful.
Congrats Shaun & Megan!

{Cunningham Family}

{Cunningham Family}

Went out and had a little fun in the 
November snow with this cute family. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

{Cash & Crew}

{Cash & Crew}

These two weren't the most cooperative today.
But, with that being said these few pictures they did let 
me take today capture their personalities to a tee.
 They sure make me laugh.
Maybe we'll try again next weekend! 

I asked them to pretend like they loved each other...This is what I got!

So this happened first....
And then this happened....Oh Boys!